Monday 22 December 2008

The Beginning - Preparation

Printing the fliers wasn’t so bad. I did a simple design on my PC. Then took the file, saved in a MS Word document, to my local printer. They printed off 500. They are about the size of a postcard. I will load an image of one up soon. The cost to get them printed was £150.00. Not cheap, but they started to bring in customers.

I went around my local area posting them through front doors. The most response I got was from the flier I posted in my local shop. I posted them in many local shops, yet the responses came from one particular shop. Weird.

I got lucky with the van. It’s a good size VW Caddy. It cost about £2000. It’s in good condition, messy inside though. I purchased signs on the outside that are magnetic. They match the fliers and cost £100 each. I just attach them to either side of the van when working. At night pull them off.

So I’m prepared…kinda.

Thursday 18 December 2008

The Beginning

Where shall I start? I will start from the beginning. I was born in Bristol on a Monday morning…wait…not that far in the beginning. Ok, I will start from 2007. I quit my job. Why? Easy decision really. I did not like it and they made my life hell. So I quit. Stress was getting the better of me and I was left with no choice.

Quitting was the easy bit. What do I do next? DIY, I can do DIY; I had done lots of it in my last property. Everyone needs an odd job done here and there. Builders are too busy for the small job. Who will lay a small patio or build a garden wall. I will. I can decorate, plaster, build (small scale), etc.

Everything seemed in order. I will make the fliers on my pc and take them to a printing company. I have some tools already. Purchase a van next. Take it from there.